Posts Tagged ‘epitaph’

“my epitaph, if one were to ask me”.. :)

April 20, 2009



I’ve always had this strange thing about epitaphs. I’ve had a very curious attraction to them, perhaps inspired by some childhood English reading.

People say Life treats us all differently; isn’t it that we all too treat Life very differently, each in our own ways, having our unique set of experiences and lessons… !! : ) 

I think the one line that a person has to say on his/her having lived is the strongest statement you can have of him/her.

And there could be so many variations to it, both in meaning and mood- I would just display a glimpse below.. : )

Also, as if to prepare :D, I notice small statements here and there that could be true epitaphs of myself. 

To the extent possible, I have (more…)